Published: 2002-05-31


List of Contributors ....................vii

Introduction: At the Outset of the Research in Management Education and Development Series
Charles Wankel and Robert DeFillippi ....................xi

Section I
Rethinking What we Teach

1 Development of Political Skill
Gerald R. Ferris, William P. Anthony, Robert W. Kolodinsky, David C. Gilmore, and Michael G. Harvey ....................3

2 Arts-Based Learning in Management Education
Nick Nissley ....................27

3 Service-Learning: Creating Community
Anne M. McCarthy, Mary L. Tucker, and Kathy Lund Dean ....................63

Section II
Rethinking Management Education in Cyberspace

4 Creating an Online M.B.A. Program
Veronica M. Godshalk and Ellen Foster-Curtis ....................89

5 eLearning Business Models: Strategies, Success Factors, and Best Practice Examples
Sabine Seufert ....................109

Section III
Rethinking Management Education for Executives

6 Developing Scholarly Practitioners: Doctoral Management Education in the 21st Century
Eric B. Dent ....................135

7 Emerging Competitors in Executive Education
Thomas E. Moore ....................157

Section IV
Critical Reflections on Management Education for the 21st Century

8 Corporate Universities: The Domestication of Management Education
Elena Antonacopoulou ....................185

9 Management Education in an Age of Globalization: The Need for Critical Perspectives
Darryl Reed ....................209